Release date: July 29, 2019
Orleans, MA – Cape Cod 5 recently presented a $5,000 donation to the Yarmouth Police Foundation on behalf of all Bank employees and in honor of Yarmouth Police K-9 Sergeant Sean Gannon and K-9 Nero. As part of Cape Cod 5’s annual Employee Appreciation Week earlier this year, employees were asked to nominate a local nonprofit of their choosing and nominees were then voted upon by all employees. This year, the Yarmouth Police Foundation received the most votes and was therefore selected as the donation recipient.
“Our employees were in overwhelming agreement to support the Yarmouth Police Foundation and the heroism of Sergeant Gannon, K-9 Nero and all Officers who make sacrifices every day to keep us safe,” said Dorothy A. Savarese, President and CEO of Cape Cod 5. “Cape Cod 5 is proud to present this grant and we remain grateful and supportive of all first responders in our community.”
The donation was presented to Mike Sahagian, President of the Yarmouth Police Foundation and Chief Frank Frederickson at the Yarmouth Police Department on Wednesday, July 24, by Savarese and several Cape Cod 5 employees who attended on behalf of everyone in the organization.

Pictured, L-R: Corinne Burnham, Loan Servicing Operations Representative II; Kailey Anarino, Communications Assistant; Officer Connor Burnham; Chief Frank Frederickson; Officer Erika Wenberg; Michael Sahagian, President of the Yarmouth Police Foundation; Heather Aboody, Retirement Services Assistant; Dorothy Savarese, President and CEO; Officer Erik Journet; Debbie Oliva, Deposit Operations Coordinator; Jeremy Furget, Banking Services Operations Specialist; Mary Catherine Siler, Assistant Banking Center Manager; Heather Brown, Commercial Loan Officer.