Cape Cod 5 understands the importance of community partnerships and philanthropic support to help build vibrant and sustainable communities.

If you are an organization seeking support from Cape Cod 5 either as a sponsorship or grant, please submit your application using the link below.
We’ve provided some information below to help get you started with an application. Here's what you need to know:
Once you have created an account, you will be able to save and access any applications you begin or create.
Our enhanced platform is intended to direct you toward the appropriate, tailored application for your request. If you feel you have accessed the incorrect application, please try again or reach out to us directly. The questions will direct you to: Requests for $1,000 or less; Event; Programmatic; Capital Campaign or General Operating.

Click below to start an application.
Start a Community Support Application
Are you a returning applicant?
Use the link below to access your existing account and continue an application. To begin a new application, please use the link above, which will allow you to continue the application from your account.
Frequently Asked Questions
When are your grant cycles, and how long will it take for me to receive funding?
Applications may be submitted at any time and are reviewed on a rolling basis. The amount of time required to conduct a review is determined by the size and scope of the request. Submissions should be made at least two months prior to the date funds are needed.
How will I know when a decision has been made?
Applicants are notified of decisions via email and will be sent to the individual you list as the primary request contact in your application. Please be advised all funding decisions are final.
I can no longer access my old account. How do I find previously submitted applications?